30” x 20” the print will have the watermark removed and will include the Artis’t signature
I think by now it is widely known that in South American countries the social and economical disparities among members of societies are much more marked than in developed countries. Poverty is a feature of these places, and I mean abject poverty. This little lady was walking on the same street as I was and as I had my camera ready, I pointe it at her and she smiled at me with such a honest and selfless happiness that it touched me. In spite of her situation of not having a place to rest her tired body; of not having a family that takes care of her; not having a system of healthcare to procure her with medications and nutrition as needed, she was happy to share a smile. I never knew her name because she moved quickly and honestly, I thought the moment didn’t need anything more nor less, but I named her Alegria, which in Spanish means: Joy
I think by now it is widely known that in South American countries the social and economical disparities among members of societies are much more marked than in developed countries. Poverty is a feature of these places, and I mean abject poverty. This little lady was walking on the same street as I was and as I had my camera ready, I pointe it at her and she smiled at me with such a honest and selfless happiness that it touched me. In spite of her situation of not having a place to rest her tired body; of not having a family that takes care of her; not having a system of healthcare to procure her with medications and nutrition as needed, she was happy to share a smile. I never knew her name because she moved quickly and honestly, I thought the moment didn’t need anything more nor less, but I named her Alegria, which in Spanish means: Joy
30” x 20” the print will have the watermark removed and will include the Artis’t signature